The 10 Most Expensive U.S. Prescription Drugs

  1. Myalept (Amryt Pharma $71
  2. 306)
  3. Ravicti (Horizon Therapeutics $55
  4. 341)
  5. Mavenclad (EMD Serono
  6. Inc. $53
  7. 730)
  8. Actimmune (Horizon Therapeutics $52
  9. 777)
  10. Oxervate (Dompé $48
  11. 498)
  12. Takhzyro (Takeda $45
  13. 464)
  14. Daraprim (Vyera Pharmaceuticals $45
  15. 000)
  16. Juxtapid (Amryt Pharma $44
  17. 714)
  18. Cinryze (Takeda $44
  19. 141)
  20. Chenodal (Retrophin
  21. Inc $42
  22. 570)

Source: Source: GoodRx: The 20 Most Expensive Drugs in the U.S. -